portrait of a young girl
lyon, france
remote viewing of a young woman
if it's a girl (in the blue room)
if it's not (a girl), in the woods
i look among the cedars
nothing in particular in the sky
a beam
a pavillon
bath, protecting a Japanese temple
divided into four equal parts by a boardwalk
below, water is undivided
a line of statues in upper left quadrant
standing women
water (unsure) is radioactive
coming out of the earth
statues are unaffected
a same woman inhabits them all
eyes are closed
yet aware of my observing them
light snow, falling very slowly,
to never reach the surface of water
a young girl studying synthesis of biological processes
liquid flowing from a bottle
to clean a tablet
she collects provisions of atrophied starch
where the air, not reduced
alsatian datcha
adjacent a pine nursery
resembling an artificial forest
interior: violet fumes spread through the room descending an ornamented chimney
warming the atmosphere
exterior: a tide pool (continuous)
an isosceles shaped garden of two equal sides
the odour of baby trees spreads
imperceptible movements in the the tide pool
isobaric line reads on a cylindrical body
measuring the phenomena
soon, in remote mountains, thunderstorms
a seed was moved, here
at the perennial moment, she cuts the peaks of ripe arborescents
in order to obtain a volatile mixture
when smelled, transforms adults into children permanently
near the summit is a chalet
brought from an abandoned country
permanently installed
the sky announces a flood
far from heat, still dripping
always moist
then she appears
carrying a layer of water
hills enter the valley
growing younger with absence
anticipating her return
her form becomes more supple, as heat is applied
a deer foetus emerges from the transparent wall
here I see everything at once
and beyond
she is sleeping on top of a clavecin
holding a book, containing the relations of tonality
a boy awakes, here
blonde and thermic (from the earth)
delighted to be in the salon
the windows dripping
porcelain ovides, black floor, white lines
in each a seed
radiating vital signs
open space, perpetually night
here, her name is casei
delightful, colloidal
holding a 'micelle' (either the sun, or time... miracle)
placed on a leaf under a glass dome
a child is born somewhere
now transparent
the mother cannot see her
the child, one day, to return to the sphere that emits pure light
crystals soften in her hand
a pet deer
in a gold adorned pharmacy
jachithes line the aisles
observed by a statue (of chemical origin)
shelves filled with honey, liquid, solid
irresistible to a baby owl
her hand rests immobile
over a plant
soaked in lime
i can 'see' mass, 'frequency shells'
of the vegetable kingdom
on the shelf, a book titled 'phllyoxera'
she is writing
next to a doe
looking out the window at a blue lake
her breasts half covered by arms
exquisitely shaped curves
leaning involuntarily on a medical table
half awake
another woman observes her (with scientific authority)
wave of compassion (between them)
a tall cylindrical object returned to woman
a column of wax, perfectly fit to her hand
reaching the lower curve of her breasts
now standing, fully awake
she ascends a staircase
above ground
the forest is burning
elongated oval tide pool
influence of the sun
amorphous pastel colors
glass finger penetrates the surface
a measure of youth
(non-existent elsewhere)
in a café
the frequency of the room changes (visibly)
circulation to the left
a line appears in the air
movement in contrary, yet perfect symmetry
descends on an oval
formerly a faceless relic
(the meaning)
a gymnast is born in a white room
pale pink short skirt
her lace panties visible, exceeding her porcelain limbs
as smooth as transparent
a wave is seen from the window
permanently approaching,
but never reaching the room
tree lined slope (pines)
descending towards the ocean
she's sitting near the crest
to communicate with her requires bathing
a single sentence requires incalculable time
a tower
frozen column of water
pavilion on top
around the periphery is a black ring
divided by 12
ice column melts, immediately
upon understanding